Samson and his family lived wild and free on the Pine Nut range in Nevada. They were followed by over 50 thousand people in a Facebook group dedicated to this herd area. Last Thanksgiving Samson and his beautiful band including his brother Jet were caught in a bait trap by the BLM when they wandered on to Private Land. Despite thousands of people signing a petition for them to be released back to the range the BLM gelded the boys and put the entire family on the Internet Adoption for the highest bidder. The Pine Nut Wild Horse Advocates group asked for the general public not to bid on these horses and let them go to different sanctuaries and ranches where they could stay together. We said yes to taking this family and in January we bid on them with the help of the organization who vowed to protect them and help them land softly and together. They arrived at Skydog a month ago and are doing amazingly well back as a family. This incredible band has FOUR generations of a family within it. Old Momma, the matriarch, is 26 years old, her daughter, Apple, is 11 and her daughter, Dumplin, is 7 and then she has a baby, Sam, whose father is Samson. So this is one incredible group of horses who have stayed together on the range and in Sanctuary. We are proud and happy to have them. #skydogsamsonsband


Jet is Samson’s full brother and son of Blue, who is still free. Sadly when the family band was captured, Jet’s mare and daughter were outside the trap and they were stolen by another stallion and taken back to the range. So Jet stays close to his brother’s band here at Skydog and is happy with the good food and companionship. #skydogjet


Overall message 

These are just a few of the Mustangs we have brought to the ranch. There are so many more that need a safe environment to live in.  

Check back soon and meet other rescued horses and please donate to help us save more mustangs. Over 150,000 American horses are shipped to Mexico and Canada every year and killed in the most inhumane and brutal painful way imaginable. Stop the slaughter by lobbying your congressmen to Pass The SAFE Act.