The Dodo Features Skydog
We feel absolutely honored by being featured on @thedodo a number of times.
The Dodo is an incredible social media site and website which serves up emotionally and visually compelling, highly sharable animal-related stories and videos to help make caring about animals a viral cause. They have the most incredible following and whenever they have picked up one of our stories we have been thrilled to have more people come over and follow us to find out more about our work rescuing wild horses and burros, reuniting families, and the plight of the American Mustang. We hope if you have seen one of our videos on The Dodo you will enjoy watching these others and reading some of their articles about other rescues.
Skydog and The Dodo are a match made in horse rescue heaven and we hope that they will keep featuring wild horses and burros to educate people and raise awareness around the world. Enjoy x
Videos featuring Skydog stories
Goliath & Red Lady reunited at Skydog
Dream and her best friend Joe Pesci
Barkley the ranch manager welcomes all new rescues
Phoenix reunited with his lead mare Ghost
Goliath and Red Lady reunited at Skydog
Dreams journey at Skydog
Articles featuring Skydog stories
Heartbroken Wild Horse Transforms When She Meets Orphaned Foals
"They lost their mamas and she lost her baby — and tonight they're a family."
Just over a year ago, a wild horse was rounded up with her herd in Wyoming and put in a federal holding facility.
The wild mare was pregnant. After just a few days in the facility, she gave birth to a baby boy foal. The first time Clare Staples saw the beautiful cremello mare was just a few days after she had had her baby.
Very Tiny Animal Joins A Herd Of Wild Horses
"He has decided he is now a mighty mustang."
In a herd of wild horses, it's the lead stallion who often drops behind the herd as they're running, helping to guide his group safely to food and water.
And so, whenever Clare Staples, founder of Skydog Ranch, a sanctuary in Oregon, sees Cassidy drop behind the herd of rescued wild horses, she can't help but laugh.
At just 39 inches tall, Cassidy (who is named after singer David Cassidy) is far from being a wild mustang.
Cassidy is actually a miniature mule, or "mini hinny," a mix between a mini horse and mini donkey. And even though he was saved at the last minute from a miserable place, and is several feet shorter than the horses with whom he's bonded, that doesn't stop him from thinking quite highly of himself.
Wild Horses Captured By Government Refuse To Leave Each Other's Sides
"The two are so bonded...and never leave each other for one second."
Not long ago, it seemed luck had run out for a wild horse named Hawk.
Hawk was just one of 850 wild horses who were rounded up in Oregon last October by a federal agency, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). A consequence of these frequent roundups is that wild horse families end up getting split apart.
Horse Couple From Viral Video Reunites In Time For Tiniest Surprise
"He immediately put his nose to her belly as if he knew she was carrying his baby."
When a famous wild horse named Goliath reunited with his mate, Red Lady, after six months apart, it was hard to imagine their story could have a happier ending — but there's been a new development at the Oregon sanctuary where they live.