Dani California is from Twin Peaks, CA. As it says in the song, she is a runner, a rebel, and a stunner. She was named by one of our followers for the Red Hot Chili Pepper song. A few weeks later, I told the song writer, Anthony Kiedis, about Dani and he was blown away. He said the entire time he was writing Dani California, he saw a horse standing on Sunset Blvd at the spot where I lived. He even put a horse on the album cover. There are many goose bump moments with this mare.
We first set eyes on Dani California in a video live from a California auction. Packed in an overcrowded trailer, she was shaking uncontrollably and drenched in sweat from fear. Yet this loyal mare had placed her body horizontally across the trailer to protect her friends inside. Just from the sight of her quaking, matted mane, I knew she was special. I had a feeling she was a mustang and when her BLM brand was confirmed, I didn't hesitate. I wrote on the feed, "We will take her".
Dani California was understandably very defensive when she arrived. Once she knew she was safe, respected, and loved, her true nature emerged. Alert to everything around her, she is sensitive, sweet, curious, and loving. She has such a strong spirit and love of life. She nickers more than any of the horses here, usually when she hears a voice or the hay shed open.
Her coat is the most incredible color. It’s been described as claret, burgundy or just plain purple, but it is truly unique and beautiful.
After being rescued, Dani California spent a month in quarantine. When she got home to us, we learned that she was 95% blind in one eye. Sadly, she had suffered a severe blunt force trauma before we found her. It deteriorated to the point that it had to be removed so it would not cause her any pain. Donors were so generous, we were able to cover nearly all of her hospital bill and we thank you for it. Dani was none the wiser as she already had no vision in that eye.
She enjoyed some time in the open spaces, indulging in springtime flirtations with Anselm.
We placed Dani on a 40-acre pen with Storm, Clare, and Rosa after Storm fell in love with her over the fence. Storm had been rescued together with Rosa, who is blind, from a ranch that burned down during the Woolsey Fire in Malibu. He was pretty wild, but he took it upon himself to guide Rosa, frequently calling out so she could follow his steps. He had a soft spot for mares with impaired vision and we all felt the loss when he passed away.
Dani has been living with Rosa and another blind mare, Blue Moon. They share a special needs pen with Lily and Dakoda. Dakoda is the loving guide for everyone, but you would never guess from the way they play and race among the trees that any of them have vision problems. They’ve memorized every inch of their enclosure and move with ease.
Most recently, Dani has welcomed Indy to Skydog. Both have limited vision, so we thought they might understand each other. Indy is very wild and mares can be quite loud in voicing their opinions, so I was stunned by how gentle they both were. This is the first step for Indy and it’s going very well. Dani’s presence has helped her calm down and begin to settle.
We have a number of mustangs from Twin Peaks, including Barney, Jalapeño, Rusty, and Sinatra. It was Dani’s story that inspired Jamie Baldanza and Deb to film a documentary in what was then a relatively undocumented Herd Management Area (HMA). This is where they saw and fell in love with Sinatra, for whom they helped bring about an unprecedented rescue that you can read about on his Then & Now page.
Twin Peaks
Dani California’s story inspired Jamie Baldanza and Deb Lee Carson to choose Twin Peaks for their award-winning pilot episode for the docu-series Wild Lands Wild Horses. They have made the episode available free of charge on Youtube. “We need you to fall in love with our wild horses and invite you to partner with us.”
Dani California currently has a sponsor
By committing annually to a $100/month sponsorship of a mustang or burro, you help us enormously by supporting our existing rescues so we can continue saving more. To learn more about becoming a sponsor and see which animals need them, please click the button:
American Mustangs and Burros Need Your Help!
In addition to supporting our work by donating, becoming a patron on Patreon, or sponsoring a Skydog, there are several important pieces of legislation to protect American equines currently moving through Congress. It only takes a few minutes to contact your Rep and Senators and urge them to support these bills:
Save America’s Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act of 2025 (H.R.1661 in the House and S.775 in the Senate). This bill would amend the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. Commonly known as the “Farm Bill”, this omnibus federal law includes several important provisions for animals. Among them, the Cat and Dog Meat Trade Prohibition Act, which makes it illegal to slaughter, transport, possess, purchase, sell, or donate dogs and cats, or their parts, for human consumption. This SAFE Act would extend the prohibition to equines. Specifically, prohibiting a person from knowingly slaughtering an American equine for human consumption; or shipping, transporting, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donating an American equine to be slaughtered for human consumption. This bill will shut down the slaughter pipeline that sends some 20,000 American horses and donkeys to savagely monstrous deaths in foreign slaughterhouses every year.
You can Contact Members of Congress by calling the Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121, submitting contact forms on their individual websites, or sending one email to all three simultaneously at www.democracy.io
See our How to Help menu for other actions to ban zebra hunting at US canned hunt ranches, stop production of Premarin & other PMU drugs, and defund the Adoption Incentive Program.
You can also tell your Rep and Senators that you want these bills from the previous Congress introduced again this session:
The Wild Horse & Burro Protection Act of 2023 (H. R. 3656) This bill will prohibit the use of helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft in the management of wild mustangs and burros on public lands, and require a report on humane alternatives to current management practices.
Ejiao Act of 2023 (H.R. 6021). To ban the sale or transportation of ejiao, a gelatin made from boiling donkey skins, or products containing ejiao in interstate or foreign commerce, which brutally kills millions of donkeys primarily for beauty products and Chinese medicine.