Baby Blue is the son of the magnificent stallion BLUE of the Pine Nut herd in Nevada, and brother to Samson and Jet who are at Skydog. Sadly Baby Blue ended up in a bad situation with less-than-ideal caretakers and “trainers”. The very good news is that the adopter reached out for help and asked if we could rescue Baby Blue and give him back the freedom he lost and needs. Thankfully for us and Baby Blue, Pine Nut Wild Horse Advocates offered to help us get him to safety and Skydog and we are so thankful to them for their incredible donation and dedication to their horses. Even though he’s the son of a hugely loved and admired stallion on the range, he is also a wild horse in need and we are going to make sure he is able to run free again after years in a tiny dirty corral. #skydogbabyblue

 Overall message 

These are just a few of the Mustangs we have brought to the ranch. There are so many more that need a safe environment to live in.  

Check back soon and meet other rescued horses and please donate to help us save more mustangs. Over 150,000 American horses are shipped to Mexico and Canada every year and killed in the most inhumane and brutal painful way imaginable. Stop the slaughter by lobbying your congressmen to Pass The SAFE Act.